Buying the farm with Ariela Gottschalk and Jeff Pienack of Halcyon Farms (formerly Rutiz Farm), Arroyo Grande, California


Ariela Gottschalk and Jeff Pienack own Halcyon Farms in Arroyo Grande, California, but you might know it better as Rutiz Farms. In early 2022, Ariela and Jeff bought the farm from longtime Central Coast farmer Jerry Rutiz, who presented the offer to them specifically. Ariela has lots of history managing the farming operation at Growing Grounds in Santa Maria, a farm that employs and benefits adults with mental health challenges, so it’s no great surprise that Jerry wanted her to take over. (By the way, please note that I get this wrong in the intro. I say Growing Grounds benefits “developmentally disabled clients,” which is inaccurate and totally my mistake.) We talked about stewardship of land and ocean, how Halcyon Farms continues the Rutiz legacy of community, and about how Ariela and Jeff met thanks to Frye’s electronics and beef jerky.


Instagram: @halcyon_farms

Jaime Lewis